Tuesday 8 May 2012

If only you knew

I want you to know...he is beautiful...he has the most contagious laugh...he is smart and catches on quickly.  He likes to help with everything.and he likes to get into everything....he loves to get his face wet in the tub, and splash up a storm.  He also loves being outside..and eating the dirt..just like I did when I was little.  He loves cookies from the store,but really is not sure about apples.  He wakes up in the night, making sure we are there..and then settles back to sleep.  And he is starting to love to read books....even if sometimes he likes to rip the paper.
Mother's Day is this Sunday...and although I do not think they celebrate Mother's Day in China..I will be thinking of you.  How scared you must have been.  I know you live in a province where there is much poverty.  And I know that you probably delivered him at  home..and you never really had a choice.  Why was your baby missing part of his mouth and nose? I know, because ten years ago, I too was scared...scared of the future for my son, and what it held.  I had support, that I know you never had.
I know you had no support, and probably a sense of hopelessness..and that makes me sad...I wish you knew he is beautiful.  He will ask "why?" and even though no answer is perfect...I really think I do know why.
I hope someday things will change in China, and we can come and find you...and tell you. He is good.  He is happy, healthy, and loved.  But, until that happens, I pray for you often, hoping you know peace, that only God can give.
Thank you for Noah, our son is beautiful. Happy Mother's Day!


The Drinkwaters said...

Happy Mother's Day! So glad your youngest is home to celebrate with you!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said.

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