Saturday 25 February 2012

What exactly will we be doing in China?

As the day draw close for us to leave, I am posting our itinerary. Kevin and I have not stopped working around the house to be able to get excited yet. I think we will relax and get excited once we are sitting on the plane with nothing to do. The plane ride will be our first date in a long time. We are looking forward to reading and watching movies on the way to Beijing. I am guessing by the 10th hour that will get old, but right now, it just seems, well, relaxing.
The kiddos seem ok with us leaving. So, that makes me feel better and at peace. We have an amazing support system while we are gone. And we are so grateful for the people who have supported us in so many ways. Thank you!!

Our Itinerary
March 1 fly out
March 2 arrive Beiijing
March 5 fly to henan
recieve Noah and civil affairs office
March 6 family picture
notarization of documents
March 7 Adiministration activities
March 8 recieve child's documentation and passport
March 9 fly back to Beijing
March 10 children's pictures in hotel, group picture, assembling of documents for Canadian Embassy
Beijing zoo
March 11 The Great Wall
Jade Factory, Cloisonne Factory, Olympic 2008 grounds
March 12 Children's Medical Examination
The summer Palace, the silk factory
March 13 The pearl Market
the indoor Market
March 14 Tieneman Square
Forbidden City
Recieve Child's Canadian Document
Good-bye China/Birthday party
March 15 Depart for home
March 15 arrive home


Paige said...

So exciting! This trip is jam packed full of fun and sights to see... it is the experience of a lifetime (or more if you adopt again!).

I pray all will go well and he will adjust easily. Enjoy every moment.

Adrian Roberta said...

LOL, Have fun And take the subway! It's a GREAT subway system and it's a 'hop and a skip' to get back to the 'Pearl Market''ll want to go back there again and again for last minute shopping, and it's e-a-s-y on the Subway!

*don't mind me...i'm just a tad jealous here, sniff*

The Drinkwaters said...

Enjoy your time. I am so glad you are arriving a couple of days early to get used to the time difference. You will love the guides FOI uses, please say "hi" to Faye and Vivienne for us!

Jessica said...

thanks Ladies, will say hi, and will take the subway. And thank you for your prayers, they are keeping me sane!!

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